My Role

Product Designer, Visual Designer


Product Manager, Engineer Team

Tools Used



After I have joined Viabells as the UI UX designer, I got a chance to build a scalable design system for our client, SDAX. SDAX is a globally connected digital financial services company regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). They partner with issuers and other types of entities to provide investment opportunities to investors.


After I did a quick audit, there were several noticeable inconsistencies such as fonts, colors, component usage and so many variants of buttons, badges, and other components.


The primary goal of this design system was to improve design processes, maintain brand consistency, facilitate communication, and build scalable workflows.

Setting the foundations

Initially, I decided the typography and the color palettes, then presented with a few options to the stakeholders. The next step was getting started on components, guided by the Atomic Design approach.

Design Token

I collaborate with a front-end developer to define design tokens for components and variables that can be scaled consistently across interfaces and create a common language.



Text Styles



It streamlined the design process, which was key for a solo designer. It led to a faster design to market time, providing developers with a single source of truth and a set of reusable components and patterns.

Let’s Connect!

©Shein KoKo 2024