My Role

Product Designer


This case study is about SDAX's referral experience, and the goal was to increase referral conversions.

Sdax Referral Process

The Current SDAX users can share the referral code with their friends. They will receive SGD 500 after their friends sign up and make one investment each.


We conducted an online interview with some current SDAX users and asked them a few questions about the referral program.


"I want the app to suggest sharing options that I actually use, like WhatsApp or Instagram, instead of generic links."

"I'd like to receive updates on my referrals' progress, like when they sign up or make their first investment. It helps me stay informed and engaged."

"I'm cautious about sharing too much personal information with financial apps. I want to participate in the referral program without feeling like I'm compromising my privacy."

"I want to know all the steps we need to take in order to have a successful referral."

Referral feature Audit

I analyzed and researched the best referral feature in other apps and that helped me to understand what decisions they made to solve the problem and what improvements can be made by us.


Provide tailored sharing methods that align with users' preferred communication platforms.

Users should be able to see their refer history.

Users have to understand how the referral program works and the value proposition.

The process of referring friends have to be clear and easy to do.

Increase User Acquisition, leverage the referral program to drive new user signups and expand the customer base.

Solution (Wireframe)

I started with the following wireframe where I added the necessary information about referral program in main

page and there’s a share CTA option that will trigger a bottom sheet with the social share options include popular messaging and social media platforms.

Referral Info

Social share


Social Share Options

Refer History

Hi-Fi Designs


I conducted unmoderated usability test and I found that people didn’t understand how the referral program work and they have difficulties to discover the entry point of referral page.

The label look like

two steps to do sequentially.

The final solution

# Global Entry

To make referrals more prominent I place the entry point next to the notification icon.

# Copy

I changed the copy labels to be more familiar and intuitive for the user.

# How it works

I added the how referral works section that explains how to do the specific steps to understand how the referral program works.


Test and Iterate Early

Usability testing showed issues with how users understood

and found features. Testing early and making changes quickly

helps fix these problems before launch.

User Education and Clarity

Adding a "How Referral Works" section helped users understand

the referral process better. Clear instructions make it easier for

users to know what to do

Language and Labeling

Using simple and familiar language in labels made the app

more user-friendly. Clear wording helps reduce confusion.

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©Shein KoKo 2024